Prewrite! 1 December 2017

It’s not 2018 yet. I’m both grateful and highly impatient.This year has been hellacious and wonderful, both trying and rewarding. There have been many sleepless nights, deaths; babies born and weddings had. This year seems more trying than any other.

NaNoWriMo 2017 went…well, it went. I hit my 50,000 words with about eleven thousand after that. But I still haven’t finished a story. Yet another thing to try and accomplish this year. We have a little over a fortnight left. Maybe I can do it?

My Darling Wife has had her own struggles and hospital visits, as have I. We both hope that 2018 is a little kinder to us, to our families, our friends, and the world in general.

As for next year, 2018 starts on a Monday this year, which means that my Darling Wife and I have the day off. If it’s cold, we’ll likely hit the beach or just sleep in and do laundry as if it was the second Sunday to our weekend.

The coming year is all about making goals for me.  There are many I have planned, but I don’t know if all of them are realistic to achieve?

Here are my goals for 2018:

  1. Get under 250 pounds
  2. Re-read every book on my shelves and see if it can be donated
  3. Complete a damn story
  4. Write at least ten thousand words a month
  5. Finish all crochet/knitting projects before lifting the yarn-buying moratorium
  6. Get new eyeglasses
  7. Read at least one Kindle or library book a week
  8. Start revamping wardrobe to the look I want
  9. Spin yarn
  10. Go on at least one outlandish adventure with my Darling Wife

They’re listed in no particular order, but I am trying to achieve all of them. Especially writing!Word_Tracker

In a perfect world, I can support myself and my Darling Wife on nothing but the income from what I make as a writer. I want to be able to write full time, but that means having the dedication to write, even just a little, every day. And to finish a story. As I know for a fact that gamification works phenomenally well for me, I made myself a Word Count Tracker!

It’s just a Cloud saved spreadsheet set up for the entire year broken down into days and months. My goal is at least 100 words a day, with 300 or more being the ideal goal as I want to swing ten thousand words each month, not counting November’s NaNoWriMo word count. But I have it set up, ready to go. It has a few test values in there for now, but it will be updated as I write more.

At the end of the month, I’ll post an image with the Monthly Total. I might even have a graph generated to show progress!

But for now, I need to get writing! Stories don’t finish themselves, you know!

Note: Feature Image Source

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